Throughout the holiday season, lululemon has been challenging our guests and community to #givepresence. Last week, we talked about the importance of enjoying the little things in life, using those fleeting moments as reminders to seek out joy in our lives. This week, I’d like to delve a little deeper into the practice of being present – something that takes a great deal of intent, focus, and commitment – but can drastically improve your reality.
Surrendering to the now is quite possibly the most important step in building a happier, healthier, more meaningful life. Most of us tend to live our lives at least partially in the past and partially in the future, so we are never fully in the moment. Our minds are always racing, cluttered with obsessive thoughts about what has already happened or worrying about what might happen. This tends to amplify in times of stress...the holiday season. Logically, we know that we cannot change the past, and much of our future-based anxieties are completely out of our control (unless you have a time machine – in which case, hook it up – we’re located at 333 main st). However, if you’re anything like me, logical thinking is something I reserved for my high school math class – and only my high school math class. We have grown so accustomed to this busy, almost crazed thought pattern that we may not even realize how addictive and overruling it is.
We’ve seen countless motivational posters, ads, etc. displaying phrases like “live for the moment” and “live each day like it’s your last.” Not to detract from our profound pinterest boards dedicated to these inspirational memes, but I do think the catch-phrase, cliché commonality of them often masks the powerful truth behind those words. Imagine living your life in a constant state of joy - you have dropped your judgments about the past, present, and future – and instead have learned the art of acceptance. Acceptance, of course, does not mean inaction, but rather the opposite. Once you stop resisting what is, you can take action from a more enlightened place, and work towards enacting the changes that you truly want to see happen. Unsurprisingly, this isn’t an overnight process - but something we decide to do, moment to moment, until one day (hopefully) it comes naturally.
Join us this Wednesday at 8:30 am for Christmas Eve Yoga, or the following Wednesday at 8:30 am for our New Year's Eve Yoga to help keep you grounded and put PRESENCE into action!